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My Services

As a Clinical Psychologist, I am trained to doctorate level in a range of therapeutic models, to work with people that are experiencing behavioural, emotional and/or mental health difficulties.  

For individual therapy we will work together to meet your needs and ascertain your therapy goals.  This will include an initial formulation stage which enables us to develop an understanding of your current difficulties and how best to proceed therapeutically and the number of sessions recommended.    The most important aspect of therapy is that it is a collaborative process, each session we will discuss progress that has been made and what you have found helpful or beneficial.  If there have been any challenges to progress this will be explored in session to identify possible barriers to change and to identify ways to overcome this.  When it is helpful to do so, I work with couples to help manage relational difficulties and aid improvement in communication, this may be an entire course of therapy or it may be helpful to invite your partner to one or two sessions to support your individual therapeutic journey.

Individual Therapy

Relationships can be tricky and sometimes having a space that is neutral to work things out can be a huge help.  I work with couples to support communication between them, this may be about breaking unhelpful cycles, supporting a shared understanding of difficulties and considering strategies to try out. Having difficult conversations can be part of developing a sense of each other, this can be the space to explore intimacy or sexuality, to work through past hurts or future fears. I also work with couples to support them through separation and navigating this in the healthiest way possible.

Couples Therapy
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Whereas CBT addresses negative thoughts or feelings by challenging them, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a model that acknowledges that some negative thoughts and feelings are inevitable, especially in relation to life events such as disability, chronic health conditions, grief or trauma.  ACT is based on accepting the difficulties that we face in life and negative thoughts or feelings associated without allowing them to become all consuming.  This means that we hold the awareness of distressing thoughts or feelings while committing towards a life in line with our personal values.   

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a range of therapies that address how thoughts, feelings and behaviours impact on our well-being.  This is a collaborative approach that involves exploration of the cycles that we experience and the beliefs that we may hold about ourselves that can keep us stuck.  The therapy identifies ways to challenge unhelpful thinking or behaviours both in session and importantly between sessions through observation and intervention. CBT is recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) for treatment of social anxiety and depression.

I was trained in Compassion Focused Therapy by Dr Paul Gilbert.  We can get stuck when our internal critical voice holds us back.  Developing a compassionate stance for ourselves, as well as towards others can free us from unhelpful patterns.  Compassion focused therapy aims to identify self-criticism or shame based thinking with a view to developing a compassionate stance to enable you the freedom to move forwards towards your meaningful goals.

Compassion Focused Therapy

I am an accredited EMDR practitioner.  Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR) is a form of psychotherapy developed by Francine Shapiro in the 1990’s originally developed for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder  (PTSD).  Therapy with EMDR uses bilateral stimulation, such as asking you to watch hand gestures to encourage side-to-side eye movement while focusing on memories or sensations related to the trauma.  EMDR is included in several evidence-based guidelines (NICE) for the treatment of PTSD and has growing evidence for use with other mental health difficulties.

Coaching and Mentoring

I support coaching clients to make positive changes; to support them in learning to apply strategies to help themselves, their team and their colleagues. I work directly with employee's support them to experience greater resilience and sustainable high performance. 


I complete this independently with individuals looking to reach their potential or find a better work/life balance, with businesses and staff teams.  Sessions can be a single session of 60 or 90 minutes or can be booked in blocks.


The work I do with The People Project provides coaching and mentoring online or over the phone to enable people in remote locations to access support and staff teaching.

Coaching and Mentoring

Staff Training / Teaching

I provide consultation to team leads and training to staff teams.  This incorporates providing mental health awareness education and supporting skill development for individual and team wellbeing, supporting communication and providing information regarding access to mental health services.  This can be completed as a one off package or designed to cater to your company's individual needs.


I provide in depth interviews and assessments for production companies to identify suitability of contributor involvement in projects.  This can also involve signposting for appropriate support or offering follow up post production.


I provide teaching sessions for undergraduate and postgraduate students at Exeter University and Bristol University. 

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